Whether you are in transition or simply want to enhance facial features, filler masculinization treatments can help.
This procedure provides a safe and effective method for achieving the look you desire without the need for a complicated plastic surgery or the hassle of a long recovery.
Why Should I Choose Filler Masculinization Treatments?
Dermal fillers allow a reputable provider to sculpt your appearance. These treatments can define the jawline, add volume to the cheeks and chin, create a stronger profile, and address areas of facial hollowness or asymmetry.
It can be completed in 30 minutes, which is perfect for anyone with a busy lifestyle. While you do need to follow aftercare instructions, no downtime is needed for recovery.
Are There Side Effects?
Side effects of dermal fillers include temporary redness, swelling, bruising, itching, and tenderness at the injection site. These typically subside on their own within seven days.
When Will I See Results?
While it is possible to see some improvement immediately, you should allow time for filler to fully integrate into tissues before judging the final outcome. This can take up to four weeks.
How Long Do Results Last?
Depending on the type of dermal filler, the effects can last six months to two years.
Am I a Good Candidate for Filler Masculinization Treatments?
This is a question to answer during a consultation with a reputable provider. If you are in generally good health, have the desire for more masculine features, and have realistic expectations for what fillers can do, you are likely a great candidate.
Where Is the Best Place to Go for Sensational Results From Filler Masculinization Treatments?
Turn to the team at Capital Aesthetic and Laser Center!
We are Washington, DC’s premier provider for aesthetic procedures and are happy to answer all your questions. Contact us at 202-861-2252 to book your consultation now!