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A nutritious diet and exercise are necessary if you want to stay healthy and fit, but they aren’t always enough to get rid of those stubborn pockets of fat.

Fortunately, the solution might be more affordable than you think. Keep reading to discover the laser lipo cost in DC!

What Are the Differences Between Surgical and Non-Surgical Liposuction?

Before we delve into the laser lipo cost in DC, let’s take a look at the key differences between the two non-surgical and surgical liposuction, or lipo:

  • Safety and comfort: If you are searching for a treatment that does not involve incisions, anesthesia, stitches, or a painful recovery, laser lipolysis is the right choice. Only tiny entry points are necessary, and only a bandaid or steri-strip is typically needed afterward! 
  • Recovery: If you go the surgical route, expect your body to take up to six months to fully heal. With the non-surgical method, recovery takes approximately two weeks to one month, as long as you follow all instructions before and after your procedure carefully. 
  • Results: You can indeed see improvement quickly with both procedures, but with laser lipo, your results only continue to get better as collagen and elastin increase for smoother, tighter skin. 

How Much Does Laser Lipo Cost in DC?

Traditional liposuction can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $20,000 or more, but the laser liposuction ranges from $1,500 to $7,500. That is significant savings! 

Keep in mind, some variables determine how much you pay, including the geographic location of your provider, their fees, the size of the area(s) you wish to treat, and miscellaneous fees.

Turn to Capital Aesthetics and Laser Center for a Beautifully Sculpted Body!

We are DC’s premier location for non-surgical treatments designed to help you look and feel your best.

If you are ready to lose those stubborn pockets of fat and enjoy a slimmer physique, contact us at 202-861-2252 to book your consultation today!