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If you’re aiming for smoother, more radiant skin, Botox can be your best friend—but only if you follow the post-injection rules! Wondering what not to do after Botox to avoid any unwanted side effects? Here are nine essential tips to ensure your skin rejuvenation journey is nothing short of fabulous.

9 Post-Injection Guidelines – What Not to Do After Botox

1. Don’t Rub Your Face

Resist the urge to touch! Rubbing the injection site can cause the Botox to spread to unintended areas, which could lead to droopy eyelids or uneven results. Keep your hands away for at least 24 hours.

2. Don’t Exercise Right After Botox

Vigorous workouts can increase blood flow and potentially move the Botox. Stick to light activity for at least a day to keep those injections in place.

3. Avoid Lying Down for Four Hours

Laying flat too soon can cause Botox to migrate, possibly leading to a lopsided look. Stay upright for a few hours to avoid this.

4. Don’t Drink Alcohol

Alcohol thins your blood, increasing the chances of bruising. Skip it for at least 24 hours before and after your treatment.

5. Don’t Take Blood Thinners

Blood thinners like aspirin can cause bruising around the injection site. Consult your doctor if you’re on any medications, and avoid these for at least a day if they tell you it’s okay.

6. Skip Makeup for 24 Hours Before and After Botox

Makeup brushes and products can irritate the treated area. Let your skin breathe for a day to avoid unnecessary redness or swelling.

7. Avoid Saunas and Hot Showers

Heat can increase blood flow, which may lead to the injectable moving from its targeted area. Keep your skin cool, and avoid heat for at least a day.

8. Don’t Sleep on Your Face

Sleeping face-down can put pressure on the treated areas, possibly distorting the results. Sleep on your back to keep things smooth and symmetrical.

9. Don’t Get (Certain) Other Treatments Immediately Afterward

Wait at least 24 hours before getting facials, massages, or other skin treatments to prevent Botox from spreading. You can get some other services before injections, so be sure to ask during your consultation about anything else you’re considering.

Turn to Capital Aesthetic + Laser Center for Gorgeous, Safe Results and More Advice on What Not to Do After Botox

The best tip for flawless skin is to choose Capital Aesthetic + Laser Center! Contact us at 202-908-2284 to book your Botox appointment today and glow with confidence!